Tuesday, March 5, 2013

T'wit T'woo

T'wit is a fluffy baby owl standing 4,5 inches tall.   His tummy and face are made from plush and his fluffy, darker feathers are in a variegated, longpile mohair.

Like all owls, Twit has large eyes fixed in their sockets—so he must turn his entire head to change views. Owls can rotate their heads and necks as much as 270 degrees (135 degrees in either direction) while searching for prey. T'wit 's head has been jointed enabling him to accomplish this.

His eyes are shiny black, German glass and red-brown and black Ultrasuede.  His beak, his feet and sharp talons were hand- sculpted from Apoxie-Sculpt; dried and then sanded, painted and sealed. 

 T'wit has fluffy, jointed wings which allow for posing in different positions and an internal armature  increases their poseability.

He has amazing fur feathers and this allows for many different hair styles and facial expressions.  Here he is hunting and looking keen and alert

Ears pricked up here.

Some mornings T'wit wakes up with scruffy 'bed-hair', which is very cute.

                     He loves to roost in the foliage of the umbrella tree

When he's cold or lonely T'wit wraps his fluffy wings around himself and has a very forlorn face.

Here he is  with his friend T'woo. She is also 4.5 inches tall but has a grey , sharp , curved beak and has an unjointed head .

                                  Here are a couple more pictures.

T'wit stands beautifully on his two feet but at the moment he is trying to balance on just one of them.  Pippa is totally unconcerned with these little furballs.......its her meal time and she's waiting patiently!

 First on one leg , then on the other.........very well balanced little owlets.  Soon they'll want to fly away


  1. Jann. Beautiful babies. Soon to fly away - I hope they won't be separated. When we first moved here there were two owls living in the trees at the back of the property next to the walnut tree ... the t'whit t'wooing is unmistakeable ...makes me catch my breathe. Beautiful work Jann xx

  2. so so sweet and cuddly. Posted on SAteddies blog.



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